My space song


I made this video  for my home work last term. I hope you like it. I created all the music myself on garage band.

Let me know what you think


  1. Wow Maxwell, I am super impressed, I enjoyed watching the video, I thought it was very well done and the music matched perfectly, I especially liked the way you mixed real life space sounds like the rocket take off and landing for the start and end.

  2. That's an amazing video Maxwell. I loved the music that went with it. If you could live on any other planet, which one would it be?
    From Sarah

    1. I would live on Venus ,Neptune and Uranus.

  3. I like the monkeys

  4. Wow! I’m really impressed, your music told a great story, very dramatic! I honestly cannot wait to hear and see what you come up with next!

  5. That’s fantastic Maxwell, well done. It reminds me of the first ever record I bought with my pocket money in 1965 when I was about your age. It was called Telstar, it’s very clever of you to make your own though.

    1. Hi Steve thanks but look out for my nest page it has a amazing video on it!


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